Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hi Everyone!

Well after stuffing myself at dinner the other night for Bill's birthday, I got myself back on track with eating right and working out the last few days.  My average stats for the last three days were:

Calories burned: 1986
Calories consumed: 1233
Calorie balance: -753

Now, I know some people may think that 1233 calories per day is not a lot but I promise you, I am not going to bed hungry!  Keep in mind, I am not in a maintenance mode, but in a weight-loss mode.  If anyone is curious about how many calories they should be consuming each day, let me know and I'll be happy to help you calculate it.  Also, there are some good websites out there that will do it for you including  There is also one for women only from Self magazine at that is great as well!

As hinted to earlier, restaurants can be sabotaging to healthy eating habits, but what else causes you to stray from (or ditch altogether) eating healthy?  Personally, I tend to eat a lot when I am bored and my hormones turn me into a human garbage disposal!    If it is stress that triggers your eating, try doing something to calm you, like yoga or taking a hot bath.  If you are bored and find yourself snacking in front of the television or on Facebook, or mindlessly grazing in the kitchen, ask yourself: Am I really hungry?  Chances are you're not.  Instead of snacking, find something to occupy your time that will help your efforts in being healthy, like going for a walk or making a trip to the gym.  Whatever it is, it is important to be able to recognize what your triggers are so that you can be aware of when they are kicking in, and know how to handle them.

What are your triggers and what do you do to fight them off? 




  1. The other thing I learned, is to really try and eat at the table (not sitting on the couch, not walking around, but at the table). It allows me to focus on what I'm eating, rather than eat mindlessly.
    As for triggers, I know by now when exactly I am hungry throughout the day (usually late afternoon before dinner is a hungry time for me). So, I plan ahead for these times, by planning snacks into my day, every day. That way, when those times come around and I am hungry, I have something to satisfy my hunger already in hand. That seems to work well for me :)

  2. Thanks for sharing Daniella! I like that idea of eating only at the table....makes total sense!

  3. Triggers......seeing someone else eating....being is easy to identify it ok to eat healthier stuff like apples or bananas to satisfy the....hunger feeling or is that just as bad ?
